Wednesday, January 18, 2017

So, it's been a while...

Given the time gap between November 2013 and January 2017 one might be inclined to suspect that Hughesy the Author had bundled this whole travelogue exercise into the too hard basket.

Or, possibly, after the 2013 trip to Japan we stopped going places.

The first suspicion is true, the second demonstrably false.

Writing up Japan 2013 ended up being easiest done in Pages and iBooks Author.

The result appears in the latest incarnation of my iBook Over the Horizon: On the Road in Japan.

That's the December 2013 trip, available as an iBook or a PDF.

Right underneath it there's another offering with an account of a subsequent trip to Japan in October 2015.

And, now that I look at it, I see I need to update the other pages in the Travelogue section of Hughesy's iBooks to cover trips to Europe, Southeast Asia, and the wilds of the Gulf Savannah.

Much of the content is not suited to this travel blog, which operates best as a day by day, what I did and where I went exercise with minimal background research and not too much in the way of historical explanation.

Get diverted into historical and other whys and wherefores and, before you know it you're way behind anything resembling a timely blogging schedule, with a backlog that keeps increasing.

Which is, more or less, the way it happened.

So, I've been busy on other things.

But here I am at the end of January 2017, about to head off on an almost month-long jaunt around Australia chasing Bruce Springsteen concerts.

That looks like something which should work in the blog environment, so let's try it.

Coming up: Springsteen 2017: The Beginnings.

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